January 08, 2014
Second World Cup
I have been out in Colorado for a month now! It has been super fun so far. I had my first competition of the season on the 20th of December! I ended up 21st which I am not too stoked about but I competed with a badly broken thumb and still landed both runs so I can't complain too much haha!
In practice I was hitting the canon rail and did not get enough speed onto it. I slid off the end and put my hand down on the knuckle just under the canon and must have caught my thumb and snapped the bone. It was pretty horrible to look at and pretty sore to be reset but I am stoked I don't have to get an operation!
It was snowing that day so I had to wear a plastic bag on my hand haha! So gangster.
Hope everyone has an amazing new year and all the best!!