June 03, 2015
World Champs and an ACL reconstruction
So I haven't written a blog in a while but since I will now have a lot of time on my hands I thought I would get back to writing them! I will be writing one blog a week to tell you guys how I am doing and what I have been up to!
Unfortunately my season came to an abrupt end in Austria. I was training for the World Championships and in my second day of training and I tore my ACL, MCL and meniscus! It was the second day of training when it happened.
The course was super fun and I was starting to get into things. You may remember that I broke my thumb last season on a 'canon rail'? It is basically a rail that puts you up into the air instead of being straight. From breaking my thumb on it last season and landing on my back off one in New Zealand it is fair to say that I am not the most confident person on canons! In Austria when training, I came up to it and landed back seat and tried to stand back up and my knee popped! I knew as soon as that happened I had done something really bad. I was taken to the hospital and they had told me it was just a slight niggle. I knew for a fact that it wasn't just a strain due to the amount of pain when trying to walk or stand on it there was just no way! The next day I went for an MRI back at the same hospital and they told me what I had done. I cried during the night for two nights because I knew that was my season over and it was going to be a long nine months.
I stayed in Austria for the World Champs and returned to Scotland at the end of the week. I was lucky to get an appointment three days later to go see a Professor Gordon MacKay, a knee specialist. He told me that the following day I was going under the knife! I got two internal braces inserted into my knee - one around my ACL and one around my meniscus. It is feeling okay, I am finally 6 weeks post op (tomorrow 11/03/2015) and I'm off crutches! I am back in the gym with Scott Crawford at the Scottish Institute Of Sport and I am feeling okay.
I could not be more thankful to ERV for the travel insurance and making sure everything worked out well over in Austria. Also, to my friends and family, especially Sam Eyeington for being there for me and giving me lifts to anywhere I needed to go! A massive thank you to the Scottish Institute Of Sport for being there to support me on my road to recovery.
The last thank you is the biggest of all and that goes to my surgeon - Gordon Mackay. ( www.mackayclinic.co.uk) He has put up a lot from me (fainting all the time haha) and done an awesome job with my knee!